Thursday, January 14, 2016

Why a blog about missionaries being abused?

It's not my first choice of topics. I'm sure you haven't turned here for some light reading, either.

But you and I have heard about a missionary's bad experience and thought, "That was not right" or "That was abuse!" In some cases, we may have even concluded, "That was illegal, what was done to them."

Whether we deemed it illegal or not, whether we considered it abuse or bullying, in any case, we knew: "That suffering was needless. Their mission didn't have to go that way, should not have gone that way. They volunteered their time--a precious portion of their life--to serve the Savior and our Heavenly father. They deserved better!"

As a father, bishop and psychologist, I've seen how the effects of trauma experienced during missionary service can linger even decades later in returned missionaries' lives. Hearing people's stories and seeing their pain, I've long known that this is an issue that needs to be addressed. I've finally accepted that I need to pitch in and do my part.

I hope to hear from you. Together we can make a difference. Let's do it for those who have already suffered... and for those whose suffering will be prevented because of our efforts.

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